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With a crude outburst on the Deflategate controversy, Jason Kelce supports Tom Brady, asking, “Why the f*ck does that matter?”



Deflategate is considered one of the most contentious moments in NFL history. For a quick synopsis, back in January 2015, it was alleged that Tom Brady had ordered the deliberate deflation of the balls to be used in the 2014 AFC Championship Game, which the New England Patriots won 45-7 against the Indianapolis Colts.

Brady would be suspended for four games, a punishment he served during the 2016 season. But Jason Kelce believes the suspension should never have happened. Speaking on Wednesday’s episode of New Heights, he said:

“I don’t even think Tom should have gotten in trouble for deflating footballs. I’m pro deflating footballs… He outsmarted people. Why the f*ck does it matter how much air is in that motherf***er? If you’re throwing it and catching it, who the f*ck cares?

“Y’all could have taken the air out, too. You guys could have taken the air out, too. You just weren’t smart enough. So why am I getting penalized because you’re f*cking dummies? It’s a rule, but it’s a stupid rule, though… You’re taking away intelligence.”

In addition to Brady’s suspension, the Patriots lost two 2016 draft picks. Not that it mattered at the time, as they would win Super Bowl LI in overtime after coming back from 28-3 down against the Atlanta Falcons. Brady was named the game’s MVP.

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